
As the summer comes to an end and students are making their way back to campus, it's important to continue the momentum you have built up this summer into your career + internship search this fall.

This week, we're diving into what comes after an interview. The interviewing and hiring process takes time and tact, so keep reading to learn more about how you can stay positive and proactive while waiting for the next steps.

Follow Up Best Practices

Job interviews are not one size fits all. Whatever the key takeaway(s), always plan to follow up with whom you spoke. Here are a few tips to ensure you make a good impression, even after the interview.

After a Job Offer

You applied, interviewed, interviewed some more and (drum roll, please) … you have an offer. Congratulations! This is a huge accomplishment, and your hard work has paid off. So, what happens now?

The Search Continues

It's not uncommon to have several interviews before being offered a job. Do not be disheartened — you never know what other roles might be out there, so keep looking, keep applying and keep interviewing.

Explore the Digital Acre

While you navigate the job search process, continuous learning keeps you current, competitive and adaptable. Learn about the latest innovations and happenings in the agbiosciences on our Digital Acre.

Step 5: Land the Perfect Role - In two weeks, it’s all about other ways you can make sure to get the job you want.

Continue discovering your career path in agbioscience using Field Atlas! Take our quiz to find careers curated to your interests, connect to companies hiring for those roles and apply for open jobs + internships. 

Missed a step? View our previous steps below!

Step 1 - Before the Search

Step 2 - Finding the Right Roles

Step 3 - Nail the Interview Prep

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